Monday, December 9, 2013

My experience by Duván Bedoya Agudelo

Hello this is Duván, I am going to talk to you about my experience in Peru.
One thing that had always struck me was the marginalization of the peoples of Indigenous and African descent in Colombia. This is why I’ve always had an interest in countries such as Bolivia and Peru because the indigenous population is the majority, one can find greater equality amongst its citizens.

In Cusco, the "Plaza De Las Armas" is a center-square where you can find tourists from around the world, including visitors from the United States, Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, and China. The square itself is a sight to behold, both in the daytime and night time hours. The mountains overlooking the town provide an amazing backdrop, reminding one of the elevation of the town: 11,200 feet above sea level.

I went on a tour of some of the lesser-known Inca ruins such as Ollantaytambo, and Pisac. The trek through both sites was arduous. The sights were unlike anything I've ever seen, the amount of mountains was endless. It made me wonder about the great civilization that once thrived at these locations.

The trip up to Machu Picchu began with a four-hour ride from Cusco to a town called Aguascalientes. Upon arriving, I took a bus up to the entrance of the Machu Picchu Park. I was very excited, yet nervous when looking down and realizing the altitude that the bus was traveling at the city and mountain finally came into view, I was speechless. For the next four hours I walked the ruins, appreciating every moment. I enjoyed being surrounded by such culture and history that is directly related to our heritage, which made the experience even more special.

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