Monday, May 6, 2013

Biography: Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci

April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519

Leonardo was born in Vinci, a small city near Florence – Italy. His mother was a rural humble girl called Caterina and his father, called Piero Fruosino di Antonio, was an important rich person of Florence. He was a notary, chancellor and ambassador of the Republic of Florence. Leonardo was educated at his father's house and it is said that his paternal grandmother was the person who started him in the arts.

At the age of 17, Leonardo began his studies at a prestigious arts workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio. Da Vinci was apprenticed for a year and after that, his master began to teach him various sciences as chemistry, metallurgy, mechanics, carpentry, drawing, painting and sculpture. In 1478, at age 26, Leonardo stands out as an engineer and then far exceeds his teacher, retired from the workshop.

Leonardo was one of the greatest geniuses of the Renaissance and among his works and inventions we have:
·         The Last Supper
·         The Mona Lisa
·         The Vitruvian Man
·         The Anatomical study of the arm
·         The first flying machine (first helicopter)
·         A Mirror polishing machine
·         The Parachute
·        The Crossbow
·         The Tank
·         The Bicycle
·        The Diving suit

Lonardo's personality
Leonardo da Vinci was a handsome man with great physical strength. He was kind and generous, and was generally well liked by his contemporaries. He didn't tasted meat because it seemed unfair to kill animals and he bought birds to release them. He was very talkative but also very reserved in their intimate relationships, for this reason some people came to doubt his sexual tastes. Da Vinci was considered by those who knew him as someone enigmatic. He repeatedly left his works unfinished by being in constant pursuit of perfection.

The last years in France
His last years were spent in the castle of the king of France, Francisco I. In April 23th 1519, Leonardo, ill for several months, made ​​his will with a notary of Amboise. He asked a priest to confess him and receive the last rites. He died on May 2nd 1519 in Cloux, at the age of 67.

Juan Esteban Jaramillo Agudelo
Final Project – Course 9

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