Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Greece is an European country considered the cradle of western civilization.
In this place the democracy, literature, mathematics, science and Olympic games born.
Greece is considered by Unesco like world heritage site.

Its capital city is Atenas, and other important cities are Pileo, Patras and Tesalónica.
The most important places in Atenas are the acropolis, the atenas academy and Zeus temple.

Greece is next to Balkan peninsula and bordered with Bulgaria, Macenodonia, Turkey and Mediterranean sea.
It’s a biggest country with 132.562 km2.
Its highest mountain is the is the Olympus mount,  but Greece has a lot of mountains like dinaricos alpes and rodope mount. Its 50% in forest.
 Its weather is so varied, sometimes is rainy and sometimes is sunny.  Rarely the weather is extreme.
Behind Norwegian in Europe, Greece is the second country with coastal length.

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