Wednesday, June 6, 2012

DUBAI... The future city.


Dubai is the city with the biggest growing in the world and now they are  building more than 150 skyscrapers and luxury hotels.

The luxury hotel Burj Al-Arab was one of the highest hotel in the world,It's located on the Jumeirah artificial island and it is (321 meters) Now considerate as the 7-star hotel because it exceeds the limits of luxury and satisfaction.

APEIRON is considered one of the most luxury and incredibles hotels of 7 star in Dubai together Burj Al-Arab, its style is like a flower and it is only accessible by boat or helicopter.

Dubai has Snow Park  or Ski Dubai  it was the first artificial ski station built in the Middle East.

Burj Dubai is considerated the  tallest tower in the world 800 meters beating the Taipei Tower 250 meters and took 6 years to build this structure.

The Dubai Mall is the largest shopping mall in the world based on total area and sixth largest by gross leasable area.  It is part of the 20-billion-dollar Burj Khalifa complex, and includes 1,200 shops. Access to the mall is provided via Doha Street, rebuilt as a double-decker road in April 2009.

Hydropolis will be the first underwater hotel in the world and will have 20 meters deep. it is the first luxury underwater hotel in the world, and this is nowadays in construction.

Nakheel Tower will be  the  highest  building in the world and it will measure more than 1 km high and will become the  highest  building and the highest structure built by man.

Dubai is building the highest  and longest bridge of the world  1.60934 kilometers long  and 2.04216 meters high and it will be finished in 2012.




Africa is a beautiful continent. Africa has the largest desert in the world. The sahara desert is about 9.1 million square kilometers. Also, it has the longest river, the Nile river. This river is 6.695 kilometers long. Africa is the world's second largest and second most populous continent. Besides, it is the hottest continent on the earth.

The largest Africa country is Algeria, and its smallest country is the Seychelles, an archipelago off the east coast. The smallest nation on the continental mainland is the Gambia. Africa has the largest rain forest and the density of wild animal population in the world.

Despite of Africa be one of the continents with more minerals sources and biodiversity of the earth, also it is the poorest continent in the world.

I admire...

I really admire my Mom. She's a incredible person. She's always giving you a good advice and support you in whatever you need. You can always count on her. She's totally reliable. She's very practical and down to earth. Also, she's so helpful and generous. Always, she tries to follow the right way and she says the truth. She's really fantastic. The best part is that she's fairly easygoing and  laid-back.

a wonder place

The Patagonia
This is a wonder place because you can see the amazing white color in all mountains. This is a really cold place, there you can enjoy a lot of time

The Patagonia’s territory is shared between Argentina and Chile .it’s approximately 800 kilometers long. This is the most dramatic landscape in earth

In this place y can find others different natural wonders like lakes or ponds and volcanoes,The people there can practice ski and hiking also the people can eat a lot of kind of food because this place had long  part of Andes mountains

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Greece is an European country considered the cradle of western civilization.
In this place the democracy, literature, mathematics, science and Olympic games born.
Greece is considered by Unesco like world heritage site.

Its capital city is Atenas, and other important cities are Pileo, Patras and Tesalónica.
The most important places in Atenas are the acropolis, the atenas academy and Zeus temple.

Greece is next to Balkan peninsula and bordered with Bulgaria, Macenodonia, Turkey and Mediterranean sea.
It’s a biggest country with 132.562 km2.
Its highest mountain is the is the Olympus mount,  but Greece has a lot of mountains like dinaricos alpes and rodope mount. Its 50% in forest.
 Its weather is so varied, sometimes is rainy and sometimes is sunny.  Rarely the weather is extreme.
Behind Norwegian in Europe, Greece is the second country with coastal length.

Welcome to Mexico

Mexico is a wolderful place, because it has the most beautiful natural places. Mexico is located in north America, and it has 112 million of people.
In Mexico there are many volcanoes with great volcanic activity. The higest mountain is the "Citlaltepetl". It's 5610 meters high. 

Mexico has many rivers, but the longest river is "The Bravo". It's 3034 kilometers long. 

Mexico has diversity of species . It has 200 thousand different animals. In Mexico are 170 kilometers of natural features. There are 34 biospheres, 64 natural parks, 4 natural monuments, 26 areas to protec flora and fauna and 17 sanctuary. 

Kaimanfische (Lepisosteus).jpg           Axolote.jpg       Graywhale MMC.jpg 
So Mexico has many natural feacure, but the best natural feacture to me is "Oasis" in Melengé.

Mulege oasis.jpg 
You can visit Mexico at any time of year, because Mexico has two different climatic zones. One is warn and tha another is cold. You choose!!!
The tallest building is " Torre Mayor". It's 230.4 meters tall, and the longest bridge is "Briddge Colgabte Baluarte Bicentenario". It's 1.2 kilometers long.
Mexico is the main tourist destination in the Latin America, because it has 31 culture sites. This sites are heritage of humanity.


Monday, June 4, 2012



I consider that Australia is the most beautiful country in the world; it’s located in the Oceania continent. It's the sixth country the largest in the world; the mount highest is “mount Kosciuszko”; it's 2.228 meters high and the longest river is “the Murray”. It's 2.375 kilometers long.

The “Australian museum” is the oldest  there, it’s really important for all the Australians.  “The Q1 tower” is the highest building. It's 323 meters.  Australia is surrounded for four oceans, for that is the country with most beaches in the world.

The city with the most historic sites is Sidney, It’s a wonderful city and the most important places are: Opera house and Queen Victoria buildings, botanicals gardens and besides of “Sydney Harbour Bridge” is the bridge largest in the world. It's 134 meters.

The best time for visit to Australia is in spring (September - November) many people enjoy the weather on the beaches and others beautiful places.  






ITALY Rocks!!!

When people listen about italy, Most of them immediately thinks in Rome and the vatican, but Italy is more than that.

Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in this world. It's a synonym of art and history. Artistic wonders can be found everywhere, and every corner of the country holds countless of wonderful surprises.It's artistic and cultural heritage is one of the most valuable in the world.

Piazza Dei Plebiscito

Valle Dei Templi

The Coliseum
Piazza Dei Miracoli - Pisa

Florence, Assisi, Venice, Sienna , Pisa, Naples and of course Rome are the most recognized cities for it's art. but the whole country has towns and landscapes of breathtaking beauty.
Italy has different natural features. for example:

The "Monte Bianco" or "Mont Blanc"

Is the highest mountain in the Alps, Western Europe and the European Union. The mountain is located in a range called the Graian Alps, between the regions of Aosta Valley, Italy, and Haute-Savoie, France. The Mont Blanc massif is popular for mountaineering, hiking, skiing and snowboarding.

Vesuvius Volcano or Vesuvius Mount.

There are many volcanoes in Italy.The most famous is Vesuvius ,which erupted in the year AD79 wiping out the ancient roman cities and towns of Herculaneum Pompeii and Stabia killing most of the inhabitants.

Etna and Stromboli

Etna is a volcano located on the Italian regional island of Sicily and is an active stratovolcano. It is the largest of the three active volcanoes being almost two and half times the size of the second largest Vesuvius. 
Stromboli is a small island volcano island just north of the island of Sicily


The Po River

Is the largest river of Italy. The river flows through many important Italian cities, including Turin (Torino), Piacenza and Ferrara. It is connected to Milan through a net of channels called navigli, which Leonardo da Vinci helped design

Po River.

All cities in Italy have something peculiar, that makes it flashy for the foreigners.
in my opinion Verona is the most interesting city of Italy, for it's history and it's beauty. This poetic city, was chosen by Shakespeare like the home of Juliet capulet in his tragedy "Romeo and Juliet". That's why there is a monument in her name wich is the most visited of the city by women whom write letters asking her for help in their love life. apparently it works.

Verona is a city full of romance. It's buildings remind us a time when the love was the most important thing. And is a city that becomes us in lovers. It's considerate historic heritage by the UNESCO  and 't's full of cultural places.

Juliet balcony and sculpture

Juliet Balcony

Juliet Sculpture

Roman Theater

