Wednesday, December 11, 2013

WALK TO AMAGÁ by Maria Alejandra Vallejo

6 months ago my friends and i planned a walk to Amagá, we wanted to know the ways of the old railway and the bridge where some people practice bongee jumping, because i’ve never practiced extreme sports and it’s my dream. We crossed several tunnels to catch the train. Then the train suddenly arrived at the bridge and we got off the car and continued to walk when we came across a gentleman. He told us that we must continue by car and we must go through the field with a wodden bridge.

  My friend said no! because the bridge is old didn’t have railings. It was just my friend who drove the car (nobody else was inside) and he was extremely scared and drove very carfeully.

 When my friend drove the car, the back of the car moved to the left. We got scared and thought it would fall down. He oppened his eyes and screamed. We told him to do what we said.

  He continued to drive and crossed the field. When he got out of the car he told us he would never ever cross that bridge again in his enter life

2 hours later, my friend said ok contunue to cross this montain, was late and we needed to go home, was raining and the mountain was dangerous, we never stopped, but we were scared because didn’t see anything.
We went home and my friend said we should repeat the experience but we told him we didnt want to die early

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Panamá airport by sebastian gaviria

When I was 18 years old, I went to Argentina. That was my first time taking an airplane by myself. I was quite nervous because, I had to travel to Panama to make a connection. I really didn’t know how it worked. I was afraid to be lost.
The problems have begun at the Rionegro airport when I had to present my passport.  I couldn’t find it. I looked for it on my pocket, and my luggage. I was panic. But one minute later, I heard my name. A lady who worked with the airline was calling my name. She had received my luggage, and she had my passport. I forgot it on the top of my luggage when I registered. I was so happy because she found it.
I wasn’t worried to fly, but to going to Panama airport because I didn’t know that airport. I was not familiar with it. That was my first time traveling to Panama.
Finally, I arrived to the Panama airport. I left the airplane, and I was looking form my connection. Unconsciously, I run looking for the gate to take the flight to Argentina. I didn’t check how much time I had to make the connection. Then, suddenly, I noticed that there was no reason to run. All the gates were closed to each other’s because the airport was not too big.

I only had 15 minutes to find the gate to make the connection. I arrived at gate 3, and my fly will depart from gate 15. I was nervous for no reason, I found my gate so quickly, so I bought a magazine to relax and wait for the next long fly.

MAGDALENA MEDIO by Jorge Leonardo Giraldo

I remember when I went to MAGDALENA MEDIO in Colombia and I saw the longest bridge in my life. It was amazing   for me because I had never seen a big bridge. I was a child so I thought “oh my god it’s the longest bridge in the world”. At this moment I know it’s not the longest bridge in the world. The MAGDALENA RIVER was under the bridge.  It’s the longest river in Colombia, it’s 1540 kilometers long.

I went with my family. We went by bus and the driver was driving fast. I liked that trip because I saw a lot of animals and I love animals principally the cattle and horses they are the most beautiful animals. I learned to love them because when I was a child I lived in a farm house also when I began to study in the university I liked to study agricultural engineering but I decided other career. I would like to study veterinary for helping them.

That trip was very good because I was happy with my family. They are the best family of world, and I love them. We have gone there twice a year. I have close relatives in that place, and I got a lot of friends. I have been afraid with that river because I think it´s very dangerous. The children can die in the river because it´s a deep river. People fish in the river. So, they are risking their life when they want to swim.  

FAMILY´S TRIP By: Daniela Moreno Jaramillo

I live with my mother, her husband, my brothers and my cousin. We really like to travel in family; we seek to travel at least once a year.We have been in many places in Colombia. We have visited to Eje Cafetero Park, Peñol Rock, Jardin and other beautiful places in Colombia and also we have been in other cities besides Medellin, for example Bogotá, Bucaramanga and Manizales.  

At the beginning of this year I went to bucaramanga with my mother, her husband and my grandmother. We visited the Chicamocha National Park, Gallineral Park who has  and also a beautiful natural place that we had never seen, it was stupendous!In that trip we went to Hacienda Napoles in Doradal Antioquia; I have seen the most beautiful hippos, ostriches, rhinos, zebras and tigers thanks that place. I have ridden in quad bike and the most extreme swing that I had never been; it was exciting because thence you can see the Chicamocha canyon while you are in the air.

We have been in some hostels too, for example we went to Ciudad Bolivar two years ago. All family was together because it was Christmas, there we could enjoy in family a great time.

Childhood by Andres Felipe Sanchez Benitez

My little history.

When I was child, I lived in a farmhouse. My parents worked every day because they were majordomos. So, they had to clean the farmhouse. My mom had to make the food for the bosses. My dad had to clean the big lawn. So, I like my childhood because I played with others children. My mom took care of me all my childhood and she taught me good manners. In this farmhouse I didn't worry about the city violence. I lived 8 years in that farmhouse .So, my childhood was wonderful. I lived with my mother my father and my dog, it was a pastor Aleman. I loved my dog because it and I  Grew together. One time my dog and I got lost in the farmhouse. My mom and my dad were very worried because they didn't find to we, but we were sleeping in the ground. We were ok. In this farmhouse, I've wanted do a camp in the ground, but I didn't do because my parents didn't let me do the camp.

When I was 8 years, my mother and my father, took the decision of go away to the farmhouse because they worked a lot. So, they were tired and they wanted other work .So, they found an independent work. They hadn't bosses. They were theirs bosses. So, we moved to the town that was great! Because I met more people, I saw other life .A life more dangerous. More big because I wanted study and be someone in the world, not only work in the farm. But I miss, when I ran in the  farmhouse , when I played soccer with my dad and my dog, when my mom screamed me. I miss a lot of things. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

The most exciting trip by Sara Garcia

The most exciting trip by Sara Garcia

Two years ago I went whit some friends to the Natural park Piedras Blancas in Santa Elena. We were going in the car and one of the tires exploded. That sound was terrible, I thought somebody was shooting us, but we chekced and it was just the tire. We had to wait into the car one hour to change the tire because it was rainnig and hailing. We could change the tire and continued the trip. The raining was perfect because I could sleep while stop raining. When we arrived to the natural park, there was an amazing sun. First, we walked around the butterfly and them were flying on our head, then, we visited the insectary. There was an insect named Maria Stick, and we were with a friend who is too thin ,so we called her that and we laugh all trip with that. After the lunch, we practiced rowing on the lake, that was super funny.We rowed around of three hours and in the half of the way two friends started to move the boat and we hit a rock and we had to change of boat because it was awash. Anyway, we finished the rowing and started the best part of the trip we did canoppi. This have been the most exciting experience in my life, I was downing very fast on the lake. I could feel as if I was falling into the lake and I could see all park since there.It is the most beautiful and biggest natual park that I've visited.

THE DEATH RACE by Leidy Jiménez

I remember a common activity that we could do to have fun each year around my town. It was called the Observation race. My friend and I wanted to join it. I really have never participated, but I did it that day. The Observation race started in the morning. My friend and I already had a group, so we were prepared. We’re just waiting for the signal. Then we start to run, while we were doing it. We had to pass some bases where each group had a challenge. Our challenges were sliding by a wet plastic on the floor; climbing trees and low mountains; playing on swamp. Those activities were really fun. For that reason we were very happy. Even more, we wanted to win. The last challenge was in a river where we covered our eyes and walk around the river. We weren’t wearing a swim suit; we’re just wearing sport clothes. So we didn’t think to swim. After that, someone told us that the race’s finished at that moment, but that person has not finished to say it when a fool guy pushed my friend and she fell into the deep water. I was walking out of the river when I heard that she was screaming for help. So I looked at her and she was drowning. I jumped into the water fast and I tried to save her, but I didn’t can do it because she was very desperate and I was drowning, too. Few minutes later I could leave from the river and screamed to save my friend. There were a lot of people around us and no one wanted to save my friend. I was very nervous and I wanted to cry, but at that moment some kids heard me and saved my friend. After that, my friend was pretty angry because people didn’t help us fast and I was nervous yet. Finally we were laughing at that situation because I lost my shoes and I had to walk barefoot by the stone road. When we arrived to the main park to see who’s won, no one was there. So we went home.

I didn’t want to take a shower because I was scared of the water, but I was covered by swamp and I had to do it.

PEÑOL ROCK By: Daniela Moreno Jaramillo

The Peñol Rock is a monolith, that is in Guatape . It´s 220 meters high. Actually, you can go up 659 steps. That rock has the initails GI because of the word GUATAPE. The Peñol Rock has become in an tourist attraction of that place. It´s an amazing place in Antioquia. In Guatape is the biggest dam of Antioquia.

My experience by Duván Bedoya Agudelo

Hello this is Duván, I am going to talk to you about my experience in Peru.
One thing that had always struck me was the marginalization of the peoples of Indigenous and African descent in Colombia. This is why I’ve always had an interest in countries such as Bolivia and Peru because the indigenous population is the majority, one can find greater equality amongst its citizens.

In Cusco, the "Plaza De Las Armas" is a center-square where you can find tourists from around the world, including visitors from the United States, Argentina, Chile, Guatemala, and China. The square itself is a sight to behold, both in the daytime and night time hours. The mountains overlooking the town provide an amazing backdrop, reminding one of the elevation of the town: 11,200 feet above sea level.

I went on a tour of some of the lesser-known Inca ruins such as Ollantaytambo, and Pisac. The trek through both sites was arduous. The sights were unlike anything I've ever seen, the amount of mountains was endless. It made me wonder about the great civilization that once thrived at these locations.

The trip up to Machu Picchu began with a four-hour ride from Cusco to a town called Aguascalientes. Upon arriving, I took a bus up to the entrance of the Machu Picchu Park. I was very excited, yet nervous when looking down and realizing the altitude that the bus was traveling at the city and mountain finally came into view, I was speechless. For the next four hours I walked the ruins, appreciating every moment. I enjoyed being surrounded by such culture and history that is directly related to our heritage, which made the experience even more special.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Lost City by Jorge Leonardo Giraldo Giraldo

I chose the Lost City because you can see a beatiful view in this place. People can find part of our culture there. Indigenous people live in the Lost City.  They are an important part of our history and they even  do spiritual ceremonies. The Lost City is in magdalena department. It was discovered by colombian archaeologists in 1976. It´s 900-1200 meters high

Zipaquirá Salt Cathedral by Duván Bedoya Agudelo

Zipaquirá Salt Cathedral

Is an underground Roman Catholic church built within the tunnels of a salt mine 200 meters underground in a mountain near the town of Zipaquira, in Cundinamarca Colombia. It is a very popular tourist destination and place of pilgrimage in the country.

Zipaquirá Salt Cathedral is mostly to attract tourists - while a functioning church that receives as many as 3,000 visitors on Sundays.

Chiribiquete by Sara Garcia

Chiribiquete National Natural  Park 
It is the largest National Park in Colombia and was formed in 1989. This park was occupies 12.800 square kilometres,  and includes the Serrania de Chiribiquete mountains and surrounding lowlands which is covered by tropical moist forest, savvanas  and rivers. 

In August 2013, Chiribiquete National Park was expanded from the prevoius 1.2 million hectares to 3 million hectares.  

San Agustín Archaeological Park by Leidy Jiménez

San Agustín is a town and Municipality in the southern colombian deparment of Huila. The town is located 227 km away from the capital of the Deparment, Neiva. Population is around 30,000. The village was originally founded in 1752 by Alejo Astudillo, but attacks by indigenous people destroyed it. The present village was founded in 1790 by Lucas de Herazo and Mendigaña.

The area is very well known for its pre-columbian archaeological sites, which generates significant revenue to the economy due to the high volume of tourists, both Colombian and foreigners. These sites form a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The main temperature year round is 18°C.

Poison Dart Frog by Andres Felipe Sanchez Benitez

It's a little frog. It has wonderful colors, These frogs normally live on the forest floor.A few of them contain a poison that can kill 10 humans through cuts. The skin is used as a poison for blowgun darts and arrows by some tribes of the rainforest of Colombia. 

The Tatacoa desert by: Sebastian Gaviria

The Tatacoa desert or "Sadness Valley”, the second largest arid zone in Colombia after the guajira peninsula. It is one of the most attractive scenery in Colombia. It occupies 330 square kilometers of land in ocher and gray colors with green cactus.

This semiarid region is located north of  Huila department, 38 km from the city of Neiva in Colombia and 10 miles from Natagaima in Tolima. It is a rich deposit of fossils and is a great tourist destination.



Caño Cristales is a Colombian river located in the Serrania de la Macarena in the province of Meta. The river is commonly called "The River of Five Colors", and is even referred to as the most beautiful river in the world due to its striking colors.
The river appears to have many colors, including yellow, green, blue, black, and most importantly red, due to the Macarenia Clavigera, a kind of algae at the bottom of the river.
This algae responsible for the unique appearance of Caño Cristales

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I admire Brad Pitt!

Name: Brad Pitt
Full Name: William Bradley Pitt
Date of Birth: December 18, 1963
Birthplace: Shawnee, Olahoma, United States
Ocupattion: Actor

Her mother was a secretary and his father owned a trucking company.
When he was a child he studied at college on Missouri. At the end of high school he attended the University of Missouri where he studied some courses of a career in journalism.

He´s famous because he has done a lot of exciting movies like Troy, where he gained 20 pound of muscle.
It´s was fantastic because he looks totally handsome. Also, he has done other important movies like Meet Joe Black and Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

I admire Brad Pitt because he does his work very well. He works with the best actors in Hollywood where his movies have been successful and recognized but he hasn´t won an Oscar yet.

He has a healthy body. He´s a vegetarian and likes to stay active all time. He has studied Greek, architecture and interior design. Also, he´s so helpful and generous with children associations. He has participated in solidarity campaigns around the world which aim to stop and prevent crimes against humanity.

He was married to Jennifer Aniston and famously left her for Angelina Jolie. They have six children, thee of whom are biological.

Att: Bibiana Olaya

Falcao´s biography by Jonathan Gallo

Radamel Falcao Garcia's biography

He was born on February the 10th in Santa Marta, Magdalena. He is a Colombian soccer player, and he is considered by many experts to be the ‘deadliest’ striker in the world and among the best soccer players. His father is the ex-soccer player Radamel Garcia and he gave to him the name as a tribute to the Brazilian coach Paulo Falcao. But Radamel Falcao is nicknamed as 'El tigre'.

Currently he plays for Atletico Madrid, but before that, He played for river plate one of argentina's most famous teams, and he won the Europa league twice in 2012-2013 with the Porto . Falcao had also received the Portuguese Golden Ball award in 2011.

His most noticeable trait is  his ability to play well with both feet. Spite of his size, would be his impressive goal and goal by minute exceeds even world top players. Falcao became one of the few players to score 5 in one game on December 9th , 2012.

In conclusion I think he is the best Colombian player and I believe Colombians talk very well about him. He is a humble person and he is always talking good things about his team and his country.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Paola Lopez

My grandfather, Luis Lopez, has been the most important person in my life.
I admire him because he's really caring tih me and my cousins even after he has been through. To describe his life is more than a biography for me it's the pleasure to honor him with my respect and love.
He was born on April 26th 1938 in a little town called Honda. He came to Antioquia to live with his aunts when he was 2 because his mother was seriously mentally ill. So, he spent his childhood in Yarumal. He was the oldest brother of six daughters and four sons, so he began to work in agriculture when he was 9 years old to help with the monthly expenses of the house. When he turned eighteen, he married with the love of his life, Margarita perez. They had two children: my aunt Rosa and my father Albert. In 1970, the whole family moved to san Pedro and stayed there for about ten years before they moved to Medellin. I have lived with my grandpa since 1996. This means that we know each other pretty well.


Lucas Seña C

Roger federer was born on 8 August 1981 in basel Switzerland. Federer was 4 old  years,  when he began to whatch  tennis matches on television for hours.Shortly after to register in tennis school roger became the best player in his category. In 1998 roger won his first  important  tournament in wimbledon in two categories singles and doubles. In 1999 federer ends the year  in top 100 in the world. In 2000 federer plays two finals ATP and reached the fourth posicion in olympic games. In 2001 federer won his first professional  tournament and got win  the most important match in his career vs pete sampras, that games was a feat for roger. in 2003 he reached the world stardom. in 2004 roger started to be the number one in the ATP ranking.

Pirry´s biography-María Juliana Saavedra Marín

Guillermo Arturo Prieto La Rotta was born in Tunja on may 3rd,1970. He is better known as Pirry. He’s a Colombian journalist. He has a tv program that is called ¨Especiales Pirry¨ where he is the producer  and director. In this program  he interview to controversial, famous and strange people. He also  practices extreme sports.

He studied on Boyaca’s High School and he studied zootechnic at university of La Salle. He also  studied a writer’s workshop and  he has currently done many things about that.

He worked as the editor in ¨Mundo sin limites¨, which was an extreme sports magazine. After that, ,he worked as librettist in ¨Francotiradores¨; then due to his excellent labor in this program, he worked in RCN; the best news network in Colombia.  There he won the Simon Bolivar National Journalism Award.

He frequently  travels around the world and he’s always visiting new cultures. He has been in some countries such has China, Brazil, Egipt and the U.K.

He´s an intelligent  and ironic chonicler but he’s an admirable man. He loves adrenalin. He’s most admired by the Colombian young people because he is a crazy, sucessful, and risky man.

In conclussion, I can say that he’s the best journalist in Colombia. I also admire him for his way of thinking and the passion that he has for his profession and his family. For these reasons he’s a man with the biggest heart of all.

Motto: Passion for the revolution of small things. Pirry.

I have to write about someone I really admire and I really want to show why I admire roger Federer, he has been one of the most popular tennis player in the world in the last 10 years, no matter what he win, no matter what the people say, he is very accomplished, and modest, he is a gentleman in the court when he is playing, and I don’t know why but I think nobody could replace him, he has won 17 grand slams but his titles doesn’t show his qualities , he is really honest , by the way, he has a foundation that helps pour hungry people in Africa , he is not old, not at all,  he has been playing tennis since he was 14 years old and it probably help him look young.
He has two children, they are twins, and he does really well like a father, that what his wife says, he is a complete person that’s why I really admire him, and I hope nobody replace him in the tennis highest ranking positions.